Treatment of erectile dysfunction is important because

  • It restores normal sexual life.
    Treatment helps partner sto again enjoy sexual activity. It has been proven that people who have regular sexual activity are in a better physical and psychological condition.
  • It improves the quality of life and the relationship.
    Erectile dysfunction is not just a physical disorder, but it also affects the psychological condition of the man and his relations with other people. ED has a grave affect on the quality of life and relationship with the partner. Treatment alleviates problems associated with the dysfunction and slows down its progression; it also improves confidence and self-esteem, ensuring that the relationship with the partner remains stable.
  • It may lead to the discovery of concurrent diseases that can be dangerous.
    Research shows that erectile dysfunction can be an early warning sign for diabetes and cardiovascular disease, of which the latter can progress into a heart attack or stroke if not properly managed. During investigation of the causes of erectile dysfunction the physician also checks for these diseases and initiates treatment if necessary.

To be sure to receive a proper treatment of ED and the possible concurrent diseases it is important to visit the personal physician and talk to him or her.

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Speak to your doctor about your  problems with erectile dysfunction
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